Protect your business!
In order to keep customers safe, to protect your business and fight possible frauds, use our verification service. You can authenticate users with a single SMS and one-time password. It is the best solution to build trust with your customers

SMS Verification!
SMS is one of the best solutions to verify the identity of your customer and to avoid froud.
It can be used to inform customers about payment details, promotions, order status or new products that you want to promote.

Why would you choose VERIFIED SMS?
- high speed of sending;
- communication in any language;
- low cost of the service;
- high personalization;
- delivery to any mobile phone.
Through our platform you can schedule your messages and personalized them in order to keep close to your client!

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Use SMS to engage customers!
SMS is more than messaging, is a way to create revenue for your business.

Don’t Waste your Money!
Use our HLR service or MNP and pay just for what you send! Lookup is the best solution if you need to verify a mobile number database.

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